Git and GitHub

1 min readJun 21, 2024


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Git and GitHub are widely recognized as standard tools in the software development process. Explore how Git and GitHub can be effectively leveraged for code development.

Git Vs GitHub

Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system designed to track changes in source code throughout the software development process. It is compatible with various file types, allowing the recording of file versions over time. This enables the retrieval of any version’s complete information. Developers can use Git by installing it locally to manage their source code effectively.

GitHub is a git repository hosting service that allows developers to connect and share resources. Developers can upload or download code, enabling them to collaborate and improve upon existing versions. It serves as a platform that fosters collaborative efforts and unites teams.

In simple words, Git is the tool, while GitHub is the service to use git.

Here are some great resources to learn GitHub online.

