Loguru: A Concise logging solution
While I was engaged in a Python project, I considered investigating alternative logging options. Although the conventional logging module is quite effective, I was in search of an enhanced solution. During my research, I discovered an impressive module known as Loguru.
In this article, I will delve into my journey with Loguru, detailing its features, benefits, and installation instructions.
Install Loguru
Before you can start using Loguru module, you need to install it. You can install Loguru using the pip command:
pip install loguru
How to Use Python Loguru
Utilizing Python’s Loguru library is straightforward. You only need to import the loguru package and utilize its logger instance to carry out logging tasks.
from loguru import logger
Loguru defaults to using DEBUG
as its minimum level, which causes any logs with a severity lower than DEBUG
to be ignored.
If you want to change the default level, you may use the level
argument to the add()
method shown below:
logger.add(sys.stderr, level="INFO")
Custom logger levels
In addition to the predefined logging levels in Loguru, it is possible to create custom log levels for use as demonstrated below.
import sys
from loguru import logger
logger.level("FATAL", no=60, color="<red>", icon="!!!")
logger.log("FATAL", "A user updated some information.")
Adding handlers
Handlers can be controlled to either print logs to the console or store them in a log file, as demonstrated below.
import sys
from loguru import logger
format = "{time:HH:mm:ss.ss} | {level: <8} | {file: ^8} | {function: ^15} | {line: >3} | <level> {message} </level>"
log_file = "logger.log"
logger.add(sys.stderr, format=format, level="INFO")
logger.add(log_file, format=format, level="INFO")
To add coloring to the console logs,
import sys
from loguru import logger
format = "{time:HH:mm:ss.ss} | {level: <8} | {file: ^8} | {function: ^15} | {line: >3} | <level> {message} </level>"
log_file = "logger.log"
logger.add(sys.stderr, format=format, level="INFO", colorize=True)
To direct logs of a specific level to a separate file, use as below. This was helpful to me when I wanted to store only the error logs into a seperate file.
import sys
from loguru import logger
logger.add(log_file, filter=lambda record: record["level"].name=="ERROR", Serialize=True)
Exceptions catching
By using the logger wrapper, we can perform exception handling. This avoids use of try/except block explicitly.
@logger.catch(level="CRITICAL", message="Error in division.")
def division(a, b):
return a/b
division(10, 0)
Extra Insights
Rotation of Logs
Using rotation in the handler, new log file will be generated based it.
. . .
logger.add("logger.log", rotation="60 seconds")
For example, new log file will be generated every 60 seconds. After every 60 seconds, the file is renamed to logger.<timestamp>.log
and a new loguru.log
file is created afterward.
Wrapper function
One of the sample wrapper function that came in handy is to log the total time taken for executing a method
import functools
from loguru import logger
def timeit(func):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
start = time.time()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
end = time.time()
logger.debug("Function '{}' executed in {:f} s", func.__name__, end - start)
return result
return wrapped
# To use the created wrapper
def foo(a, b, c):
logger.info("Inside the function")
return a * b * c
As we sign off about the Python Loguru module, let’s not forget that in the realm of coding, every line tells a story, and every log captures an epic tale.
Keep your spirits up and your log levels down and let the chronicles of your code be as legendary as the myths of old. Until we code again,
happy logging!