PyCharm keyboard shortcuts
3 min readJun 10, 2021
When I started using Pycharm as my python IDLE, I came across some shortcuts that helped in coding better and faster.
Below are some of the shortcuts that save time when coding.
Ctrl + /
Select Ctrl + / for commenting and uncommenting the selected lines.
Copy, Paste and Delete
Ctrl + C — copies the entire line, where the cursor is placed. Avoids the need of selecting entire line contents.Ctrl + X — Similar to copy, this shortcut works for cut the entire line without selecting the entire line.Ctrl + V — For paste the line copied.
Ctrl + B
This shortcut helps in go to the declaration of the variable.
Ctrl + D
ctrl + D will make a copy of the line and paste it in below line.
Ctrl + E
Select Ctrl + E for easily shifting among the recent files used in the project.
Double Shift
Double shift can be used to search the keyword everywhere.
Shift + F6
shift + F6 helps in performing refactoring.
Alt + F7
Selecting the variable and running the shortcut will return all the lines where it has been used.
Left Alt + Enter
This shortcuts helps in performing Quick fix for the error shown by pycharm idle.
Ctrl + Alt + C
Shortcut ctrl + Alt + C will create a constant from the selected lines.
Ctrl + Alt + T
ctrl + Alt + T will show options for surrounding with loops or try / catch block.
Ctrl + Alt + M
ctrl + Alt + M will create a method from the selected lines.
Ctrl + Alt + V
ctrl + Alt + V will create a variable for the selected contents.
Alt + Shift + C
Shortcut Alt + shift + C will displays the recent changes.
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + L
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + L will help in reformating the structure of entire python file.
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + J
This shortcuts will helps in changing the variable names all at a time